Two basic topics, ‘’Individual differences’’ which is just how some factors such as skills, abilities or personalities differ from one person to another, and personality which is a set of characteristics that have influences on how a person behaves, personality has five traits which are:
‘’Extraversion’’ this is assertive and social persons, ‘’agreeableness’’ where the person is cooperative and warm, ‘’Conscientiousness’’ here they are hard working and organized, ‘’emotional stability’’ calm and self confident, ‘’openness to experience’’ which states the person as creative and curious. Personality also has an integrative approach that places personality as being made up of an individual’s psychological approach.
Social perception: it is defined as ‘’the process of interpreting information about another person’’ there are three categories which can influence your perception of someone else which are: characteristics of ourselves, characteristics of the target and characteristics of the situation, some of the barriers to social perception include, stereotyping, first impression error and self fulfilling prophesies.
When it comes to ‘’attribution’’ theory the important thing here is that explains how individuals identify the causes of their behavior as well as the behavior of someone else. This theory has and external attribution which is something out of one’s control, and internal attributions that is the opposite thing.
Attitudes: in class this was defined as a psychological tendency expressed by evaluating an entity with some degree of favor or disfavor, attitude has a mode called the ABC which includes: Affect that is basically verbal statements, expressing feelings, Behavioral intentions which are statements about intentions and Cognition about beliefs.
Values are the beliefs that some ways of behavior or state of existences are better or more acceptable than those of an opposite way of these same things.
To what do you attribute the success of JICA?
First of all the success of JICA is based on the things they do, ‘’JICA aims to contribute to the promotion of international cooperation as well as the sound development of Japanese and global economy by supporting the socioeconomic development, recovery or economic stability of developing regions.’’(Extracted from this is clearly a helping hand to those regions or countries that really need assistance to work on their issues, JICA established projects and activities in those countries to help poor families and educate people, promoting youth responsibility in the communities and improved self confidence in hard pressed societies, JICA has been successful doing all this because they create seminars, activities for young people, trying to help parents to identify their responsibilities with their children. Sometimes JICA provides assistance and activities that can result on learning new working skills and generate some family income.
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