Motivation can be defined as internal and external factors that encourage people to constantly be interested in attaining a goal, in other words, it means to give reason or incentives that result in certain behavior. There are three theories of motivation which are: ‘’internal’’, here considerations are given to variables within the person, ‘’process‘’ this is interaction between the person and the environment, ‘’external’’ where theories focuses on elements in the environment.
A need is a situation in which something is wanted, a condition within a person that drives him towards an outcome. There are internal needs called intrinsic motivation and external incentives that refer to extrinsic motivation. Two main theories of needs are the X (lower order needs) and Y (higher order needs) theories. The X one indicates physiological and safety and the Y social esteem and self actualization.
In this topic or chapter we find some theories such as the ‘’ERG’’ theory that states that workers go after many needs at the same time, the McClelland’s needs theory which includes achievement as excellence and persistent, power as to influences others and affiliation to maintain close relations with others. The Stacy Adam’s theory of inequity says that people get motivated when they find themselves at risk or in some unfair position. Another theory is the expectancy of Porter and Lawler, it emphasizes in a connection between employees motivations and being sure of their expectancies, the results or outcomes of performance are ways to satisfy a need.
In multicultural organizational contexts what could be a good strategy to keep people motivated towards a common task?
First of all, I think that regardless of the culture the employees come from, or the language they speak, treating people like people and providing them with the proper tools and means that they need to get their job done correctly, is the starting point to keep them motivated towards a common task, there are also some main objectives here, and within the strategy should also be awareness, and knowledge of the people working for you, understanding their culture is somehow important to find ways to keep them motivated, creating confidence by using team work combining the different skills and cultures could also be productive if done right, here is important to keep in mind that not all people is motivated by the same things especially those from different cultural backgrounds.
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