viernes, 13 de mayo de 2011

The role of workers, migrant workers and expatriates.

Migrant labor refer to the movement of people from one country to another primarily for employment reason, crop harvesting is one of the main activities that these migrants workers are used for.
China has a big number of migrant workers with about 153 million a big portion of this number works in export zones in the making of cheap goods for the rest of the world. Expatriate means to exile oneself from one’s native country, and expatriate assignments is basically not bounded to a single organization and consists of sequences of experiences across organizations and jobs, these assignments requires cycles of reskilling  for the expatriate to make adjustments for the host country and readjustments for the home country upon return.
Integration is a process that needs both, adaptation of the newcomers and the host society. For the newcomer to established himself he must perform the following tasks:
Negotiate and effective psychological contract which is an agreement between an individual and an organization that states what each party is expected to give and receive in the relationship, it also needs to manage the stress of the society and gather as much information as possible, undergo a change and acquisition phase, and make the transition easier.
Mentoring: the international manager should view the development of a mentoring network as an important activity and be open to learning from any source available, the mentor functions are career couching and social support.
When it comes to managing expatriate assignments, the success or failure of these personnel depends for the most part on how well prepared through training in culture, customs and language they are.

Explain how easy is it for Colombian companies to employ expatriates locally? Give examples.

In terms of immigrations is relatively easy because Colombia does not have a very restricted policy letting people in from other countries, but in terms of labor cost it might just be a little higher than those local employees,  in some commercial areas Colombia might look to hire these expatriates if they come from places or companies where the knowledge and technology are superior to those available in Colombia.

An example is Sofasa, which assembles cars; here a few number of employees and mechanics specialists train people on how to do a better job, another case is Haceb, here the company looks for good engineers from other countries to help improved the production process. 

information retrieved from: que rol desempenan los tranbajadores expatriados en las empresas,
information retrieved from: eafit interactiva, organizaciones y culturas course, contenidos
video retrieved from: canadian experience class,

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