Group: two or more people with common interests and constant interaction
Team: this is a group of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common goal.
The norms of behavior include the standards that a group uses to analyze the behavior of the members and group cohesion is what makes the group stick together. Social loafing refers to the inability of a group member to contribute to the team, the loss of individuality is the process in which a group members losses the responsibility for individual behavior.
Tucks man’s five-stage model of group development:
Forming: guidance and direction.
Storming: power struggles.
Norming: clear roles.
Performing: clear vision.
Adjourning: task completion.
The members of a group can contribute in different ways such as, contributor who supplies information, collaborator who is the one that focuses the team on a mission, the communicator that promotes collective effort and the challenger who is the one that questions the mission.
Diversity is the variation of social identities among people or workers who coexist together in a working setting. And diversity management is just a way of making an environment that will allow people to use their full potential to accomplish goals and the mission.
Since diversity is a source of competitive advantage, what could be the recruitment strategies to effectively target to diverse groups? What would be the consequence of ignoring diversity?
The strategy could be looking for people with different social identities and believes, just interviewing and getting to know the person before hiring, but there really is no defined strategy to assure that you will get a diverse group unless you hire people from different countries or at least different cultural backgrounds, the consequence of ignoring diversity could sometimes be a costly one since diversity will bring to the table different points of view and approaches ensuring a better final decision, this is why diversity can sometimes be a source of competitive advantage.
Religion is defined as shared beliefs and rituals, moral principles to guide behavior, but there is also a sociological meaning which states that every religion separates the sacred from the profane. The function of religion is to give approval to social arrangements; it also provides a sense of understanding and belonging.
Christianity: Weber states that their work ethic and wealth creation was the driven force of capitalism.
Islam: is a society based on social justice and equity. An all embracing way of life. Under Islam people do not own property.
Hinduism: focused on the importance of achieving spiritual growth.
Buddhism: spiritual achievement and undermines wealth creation.
Confucianism: interests of collectivity are more important and higher of those of individuals.
What is the dominant religion in Colombia, what are the religious implications of doing business here? Give examples.
the dominant religion in Colombia is Catholicism which is known to be one of the most conservative ones; about 80-90 % of Colombians are guided by catholic principles.
Now days, the religious implications of doing business have come to a minimum and for the most part, religion and business activities are kept separated, however, in some cases people will act and perform according to the religious beliefs or principles that they follow, some examples are for instance during the ‘’Holy week’’ where people behave differently, buy religious merchandise, visits temples and stop eating certain products, also traveling and family trips increase all over the country, becoming a business opportunity for people involved in those activities.information retrieved from: colombia pais maravilloso,
information retrieved from: eafit interactiva, organizaciones y culturas course, contenidos.
image retrieved from: goups, goolge imagenes
image retrieved from: goolge imagenes, religion.